Continuing Education Seminar

Rolling Oaks Restaurant, Barron WI

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Morning: PLSS Lost Corner Methods

Most surveyors know the single- and double-proportionate methods of lost corner re-establishment. But many may not be familiar with additional methods identified in the Manual of Instructions: modified single proportion, 1-, 2-, 3-point control, irregular boundary, grant boundary, etc. Their applicability depend on original boundary creation conditions and surviving evidence. The role of meander corners in Wisconsin can have an effect on how these methods are applied. We'll examine the different methods and how they are applied using example situations. Some procedural issues and their resolutions, including documentation, will be discussed.

3.3 PDH Category 1 or 3

Afternoon: Ethics

We know what ethical behavior is but can we explain it and describe how it affects decisions we make? How do personal and professional ethics interact; are they compatible? Can ethics be legislated? These questions, along with general ethical theory, will be addressed as a backdrop for case studies discussions.

3.3 PDH Category 2

Seminar Materials

PLSS Lost Corner Methods


Links from PLSS Lost Corner session


Additional Reference Material

The BLM has some PLS corner restoration publications in its online digital library at A few that are applicable for the morning session are: